Proteomics Services
Our Protein analytical services offer a comprehensive analysis of proteins to provide accurate and reliable results. Our experienced team of scientists utilizes the latest in analytical bio-tools and technologies to evaluate the structure, quantification, and activity of proteins. Our services offer the highest quality insights into the complexity of proteins, helping to drive your research forward.
Protein Extraction and Purification Services
- 1. Plant, Animal, Microbial Protein Extraction
- 2. 1D Gel Electrophoresis
- 3. 2D Gel Electrophoresis
- 4. Image Analysis of 2D Gel Electrophoresis
- 5. Iso electric focusing (On IPG Strip)
- 6. Protein Purification by Chromatography techniques
- 7. HPLC Reverse Phase Purity Check
Protein Analytical Services
- 1. MALDI Intact Mass Analysis
- 4. MALDI Data Analysis
- 5. QTOF Intact Mass
- 6. QTOF Protein Profiling
- 7. QTOF Peptide Mass Fingerprinting
- 8. Disulphide Bond Localization
- 9. Label Free Quantification
- 10. Ubiquitination Analysis
- 11. Methylation Analysis
- 12. Acetylation Analysis
- 13. Nitrosylation Analysis
- 14. Phosphorylation Analysis
- 15. Scrambling Disulfide Bond Analysis
- 16. N&C -Terminal Sequencing
- 17. Protein / Peptide Sequencing
Protein Structural Analysis
- 1. Proton NMR
- 2. Carbon NMR
- 3. 2D NMR
- 4. Circular Dichroism Scanning (Far UV/Near UV)
- 5. Intrinsic Fluoresence Spectroscopy
- 6. FTIR
- 7. DSC
Other Proteomics Services
- 1. UPLC Aminoacid Analysis
- 2. cIEF (pI Determination)
- 3. Isoform Separation by CZE